Pirate Spaceship, spilling spice. Alejandro Jodorowsky’s Dune, Paris 1975
Original artwork: montage of line drawing with ink and acrylic paint on art board, 34cm x 46cm
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Chris talks briefly about working on film projects with Giger and Moebius
Adams print
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I was just wondering where you get your ideas for your artwork. Are they self inspired through rational and logical inceptions or are they modified images of other forms of vehicles and ideas?
I absoloutely love this piece, definately my favourite!
– and I have the original artwork in front of me in my office! It will go on display in 2012 at Drawing Room, south London.
– actually I don’t know this for sure, just a rumour I heard, but so exciting if true!
Hi David, do you have the size of this original? Lucky guy! Thank you.
This ship is my favourite Foss paint… what a beauty she is…
Cheers, Luis, thanks for commenting. (You’re English is better than my bad French or Spanish I’m sure!)
All best
I have received the print, it looks fantastic – thanks very much.