Hello Imogene
Thank you for your prompt response – Here are few questions for Chris:

When you work on concepts for films do you use the same approach you usually use for making book covers? what are the difference between the two?

Can you tell me briefly a bit more about your workflow when you work on films?

Has your experience with the film Dune and with artists of the team (such as Moebius and Giger) changed the way you work?


How did you feel when you first saw your vehicles animated in a movie? (referred to Die Sturzflieger film)

Thank you for your time and I look forward to see the video answer.

Hello Joseph
I’m seeing Chris early April so I will have a go at getting your questions answered then.

One Comment

  1. Dave Wishart 01/11/2012 at 19:38

    Any plans on using some art for ipad cases? Might be an interesting idea, especially if you can get an sf artists cooperative going.


    Hello Dave


    I dug this previous post out as your comment reminded me that Chris’s artwork was licenced in the 1980’s to a company in France who produced notes books, and pen cases and probably some other stuff that’s slip my mind. I remember seeing them in the big mega supermarkets in the south of France. I thought I’d included them in the photo, but it appears not.

    I think if a company would pay up front to use the artwork it would be the easiest solution. It’s a lot of work involved and the margins are very tight if you try and ‘bring a product to market’ yourself. An interesting idea though and I appreciate your comment. Best wishes, Imogene

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