Search: 1976 – Page 1

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Raise the Titanic!

Raise the Titanic!  Clive Cussler 1976 £200 Small – A3 signed, titled and numbered Chris Foss An edition of 100 prints Signed and numbered by Chris Dimensions 42 x 29.7 cm 16.5 x11.7 inches ______________________________________________________ £400 Medium – The A2 Landscape edition A Special Edition of 25 prints with a unique pencil sketch

Norman Conquest 2066

J.T. McIntosh (1976). Norman Conquest 2066. Corgi, by Chris Foss.

£200 Small - A3 signed, titled and numbered Chris Foss An edition of 100 prints Signed and numbered by Chris

Dimensions 42 x 29.7 cm 16.5 x11.7 inches


Atlantis, 1976 Hardware page 103.2 £200 Small - A3 signed, titled and numbered Chris Foss An edition of 100 prints Signed and numbered by Chris Dimensions 42 x 29.7 cm 16.5 x11.7 inches ______________________________________________________ £400 Medium - The A2 Landscape edition A Special Edition of 25 prints with a unique pencil sketch

Foss books

Novels Diary of a Spaceperson (1990) Nonfiction Science Fiction Art (1976) 21st Century Foss (1978) The Chris Foss Portfolio (1990) Hardware: The Definitive SF Works of Chris Foss (2011) with Rian Hughes and Imogene Foss Stoway to Mars, John Wyndham, Coronet, 1972 Hardware: 122.4 Stoway to Mars is available as

Foundation and Empire

Foundation and Empire, Isaac Asimov, 1976 Panther, London     Tom's print Gary's print     Alex's print Chris on seeing his designs realised in Die Sturzflieger and Flash Gordon   Trev's A1 print (video below in comments) Jeremy's A2 print

Dan O Bannon – NYc film retropspective

New Yorkers can enjoy a retrospective of Dan O Bannon's film work. Starting July 13, 2011 at BAM, America's oldest performing arts center, founded in 1861. 'On the occasion of the publication of Jason Zinoman’s Shock Value: How a Few Eccentric Outsiders Gave Us Nightmares, Conquered Hollywood, and Invented Modern

Alejandro Jodorowskys Dune

17 September 25 to October 2009 Alejandro Jodorowskys Dune: An exhibition inspired by a film of a book that never was takes as its departure point the cult Chilean film maker Alejandro Jodorowskys attempted 1976 adaptation of Frank Herberts classic science fiction novel Dune.

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